Le Colonie
The Children's Holiday Camps of Fascist Italy



Arne Winkelmann
Dan Dubowitz


DEng DPhil Arne Winkelmann, born 1969 in Ludwigshafen is a historian of architecture, publicizer and curator. After studying architecture in Weimar and Krakow he worked for BauNetz online service in Berlin. In 2004 he received a doctorate from the Chair of Preserving Monuments at the Bauhaus University in Weimar about the architecture of socialist modernism. ("The Pioneer Camp Artek. Reality and Utopia in Soviet Architecture of the 1960's"). 2006 he gained another doctorate from the Chair of Cultural Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin ("Culture Factories. Changing Symbol of the Factory in Free Cultural Activities). He worked at the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt and has taught as a part-time lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Mannheim and the University of Cologne. Since 2007 he works as a free lance curator and publicizer with Kuratorenwerkstatt Förster Gräwe Winkelmann and as a lecturer in museum education of the German Architecture Museum.

Contact: arnewinkelmann(at)hotmail.com




Camp Morskoj at Children Pioneer Camp Artek

Dan Dubowitz: Colonia marina Monopoli di Stato

Arne Winkelmann works for year about the architecture of children's holiday camps. In his dissertation about the children pioneer camp Artek on the Crimean peninsula he analyzed the entanglement of architecture and ideology as well as the attempt of educating by means of architecture. Since 2004 together with the architect Florian Kirfel he visited these mostly ruined children holiday camps of Fascist Italy and recorded it with photos. The photos of 41 of these colonie can be seen under the listed camps on this webpage. In 2006 Arne Winkelmann got to know the British Photographer Dan Dubowitz who shot a professional series of Colonie. From this cooperation the evolved the photo catalogue "Fascismo abbandonato. The Children's Colonie of Mussolini's Italy" and some exhibitions as at the British School in Rome and the Documentation Center Prora.

Bibliography about this complex of themes:

Das Pionierlager Artek. Realität und Utopie in der sowjetischen Architektur der 1960er Jahre, Dissertation 2004
The colonie as political instrument, in: Fascismo abbandonato. The Children's Colonie of Mussolini's Italy, London, Frankfurt 2010, pp. 115-118
Nachgenutzt. Ein Blick auf die Olympiabauten rund um Turin, BauNetz-Meldung, 10.02.2006
— Pionierlager Artek, in: BauNetz-Woche, no. 120, 2009, pp. 3-10
Die Ruinen des Razionalismo, in: BauNetz-Woche, Nr. 105, 2008, S. 3-16
— Pionierlager Artek entstellt, in: Bauwelt 2004, no. 40-41, p. 5
— Typologie der Ferienzeit. Das Pionierlager Artek auf der Krim, in: Bauwelt 2000, n. 16, pp. 12-19



This Web page presents a typological investigation of the architecture of the children's holiday camps of Fascist Italy. It serves neither for glorification and idealization nor belittlement of the Fascist regime and its ideology but as a source for a critical debate on this issue.



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